Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Christ and the Cross

If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.
Mary Pickford, 1892-1979 

Do you suppose it is true that when Jesus carried his own cross in John's Gospel, that he was carrying us as well?  Do you suppose that our own lives weighed down to the ground with failure--and those never attempted--were carried, are still carried by Jesus?  If so, and by our faith, do we finally realize what Jesus meant when he said that his yoke was light?  Because after all--he still carries us.  

Monday, March 30, 2015

Fear Not....

Words for Holy Week Wisdom....
This week above all puts us on trial as we walk the way of the cross 
and feel the fear that Jesus must have known.

Do not fear what may happen tomorrow. The same loving Father who cares for you today will care for you tomorrow and everyday. Either he will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings.
St. Francis de Sales, 1567-1622
17th Century Bishop of Geneva

What is the most often stated assurance in the Bible--"fear not!"  Some would say that everyday is a tightrope balancing act.  It is, when left to yourself.  When given to God, your eyes look up, not down and the passage from one side to the other is far easier.  Bonhoeffer even said you can drive a truck across the yawning chasm.  An for God, that's not much either!  

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Disturb Us, O Lord....

Why in the world would we ever pray with Sir Francis Drake and offer this prayer?  Disturb us?
Isn't life disturbing enough and don't we spend enough time trying to smooth out the day?  Maybe there is something very special, even holy, in asking God into our lives--which cannot help but stir us up to move toward him.  Perhaps Drake loved life on the sea because it is so mobile, flexible and offers such great vision--the horizon is always before you.

“Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves,
when our dreams have come true because we have dreamed too little,

when we arrive safely because we sailed too close to the shore.

Disturb us, Lord, when with the abundance of things we possess,
we have lost our thirst for the waters of life,
having fallen in love with life, we have ceased to dream of eternity, and in our efforts to build a new earth, we have allowed our vision of the new heaven to dim.

Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, to venture on wider seas,
where storms will show your mastery, where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars. We ask you to push back the horizon of our hopes, and to push us into the future in strength, courage, hope, and love.

This we ask in the name of our Captain, who is Jesus Christ. ”

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

On a Wing and a Prayer

My dog walked me this evening, and both of us stopped dead in our tracks as a horned owl bellowed out in the night.  We both stopped, the dog cocked her head to listen, and I stood silently.  Then it came again.  The night broke open.  Though I could not see it, the sound of that presence was unmistakable.  Now, how do I prove to anyone it was really there?  Yet, to me (and the dog!) it was unmistakable.  So, why not? I hooted back and imitated the sound.  The response came quickly and definite.  Now it was not just out there--but we had connected. 

In CS Lewis' book, The Horse and his Boy, from the Chronicles of Narnia--the young boy rides through the mountains on Shasta his horse.  As they walk, he suddenly hears footsteps next to him.  They follow him through the night.  "Who's there," asks the boy. The Voice responds, "One who has waited a long time for you to speak to me!"

Is prayer like that?  God waits for us to respond?  On a wing and a prayer....

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Bride's Best....

When the Portrait Suddenly came Alive! 

The National Portrait Gallery enthralls me. (as does the free entrance....) I particularly like the famous series of the Presidents by Gilbert--we all know them. As I came down stairs from the President's Gallery, there was a bride posing for HER portrait.  But she was very much alive; she breathed anticipation.  Where else to have wedding portraits done! 

As I stood there, a security guard came toward me.  He meant to pass me by.  But I said to him, "Ya know that is the most exquisite portrait here.'  He laughed and said "and the most expensive!"  Not so sure about that--but there is a priceless depth in catching sight of the true human spirit and its joy--which every artist seeks out.

It is said that if you want to see God and know his heart--take a look at Jesus. Body and Blood of God become his life for us.  That's an eternal portrait....and he includes us in the picture.

Monday, March 23, 2015

March Madness.....

Somehow the Ides of March have been taken over by March Madness and the NCAA basketball tournament.  It's all set out in brackets with teams that are rated and then placed in the brackets according to their records, schedules, who they beat and lost to--then presto!  out come the brackets.  Then upsets are called as lowly teams knock off the higher seeds--so on and so forth.  Madness relates to the roller coaster of the unpredictable that can fall with the last shot! 

So is the walk we learn early in life--the competitive edge, to live your life for the goal--reach for that brass ring?  Yes...  We do.  Fairfax County breathes it.  I learned it in New Jersey and have carried it with me ever since.  What happens, however, when life teaches us that to win is actually to just push you into the next bracket?  That your worth depends on what the world calls winning--so that the one who truly wins (so often quoted) "is the one who dies with the most toys." 

Joseph Campell--Power of Myth--writes that it takes a shock to break us out of the"brackets" and learn that we are living for God's Kingdom.  Sooner or later, he has said, we discover the truth that left to ourselves, we find out that the ladder we climb is against the wrong wall.  The stairway to heaven is paved with the gold of grace--and that takes eyes of faith, deep trust, to "find your way home another way." 

Happy walking in Lent! 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Marks of an Apostle

St. Peter
I guess this is a good classic art work of St. Peter--who is to really know his likeness?  One thing is for sure and that is we know his marks of Apostleship--love of the Lord, faithfulness, witness, and martyr.  He was crucified upside down to mock his allegiance to Jesus.

No, the mark I am after is the daily perseverance through all the world could possibly toss at him.  He walked on.  He walked through it!  The wounds gave witness...through the wounds, life imparted to others.  How many of us carry the wounds of life which become scars and no longer convey life?

It is one of the great mysteries of life that the wounds of life become blessings for others.  I think Henri Nouwen with his book, The Wounded Healer, was one of the leaders to get this description out there--"by his wounds we are healed."

So what is it that keeps us from the conversion?  These wounds of life to become the blessings for life and living?  I have heard it said that Jesus still carries us on his cross...and in his company, like St. Peter who denied him 3x, we too are healed for apostleship as only we can carry it out. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Isaiah's Lent

All Friday's remind me of Good Friday.....

I have meditated for sometime on this image.  The biblical saying about "prepare a way for the Lord...." is used in Advent for the anticipation of Christmas.  Yet, here it used for Lent?
Thought I to myself--Well, now hold on, Jesus does emerge from the Wilderness sojourn and as a result--prepares a way, "The Way," known as the Christian Life.  So out of the wilderness comes Jesus--from the same place of John the Baptist to fulfill what the Baptist said.  I just never put these two together--until I spelled them as "Adv-ent" and "L-ent"--the coming of light, the Light of the world. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Reading Signs of the Times....

I went out in the yard and saw my feeder,
full of robins, hopefully red breasted bearers
of Spring to come.  Snow in backdrop told me
that Winter wants to hang on and goes away
slowly, drop by drop...
the reminder of grace that falls from tears
from God and washes away the season's death. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Love's Labour Never Lost

The Love of the Cross is Never Lost....
Always Given, Waiting to be Received

Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.
An act of love that fails is just as much a part of the divine life as an act of love that succeeds, for love is measured by its own fullness, not by its reception.
                                                                             Harold Loukes

I like the image of the cross given in light because it reflects the message in John's Gospel that the Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has never overcome it. Often overlooked is the other truth that we are created to be vessels of that Light...that we have no light of our own--though we certainly try to believe that...and that glory is the Glory given by God.  

Harold Loukes certainly hits the theme that we often measure that love by what we view as "success."  If it is indeed God's Light, as we proclaim--the Light of Christ in the Great Easter Vigil--then we alone are called to help prepare the place for that Light, but we cannot bestow it as if it were ours.  

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Oak Tree Speaks.....

There's a lot about Lent that can strengthen us. We remember that Jesus' trials reminded him of his mission and the temptation to "do it his own way."  Perhaps we too by observing Lent can look at how much we trust Jesus by doing it God's way.  Just maybe that's how we grow.

The Oak Tree
by Johnny Ray Ryder Jr.

A mighty wind blew night and day.
It stole the Oak Tree's leaves away.
Then snapped its boughs
and pulled its bark
until the Oak was tired and stark.

But still the Oak Tree held its ground
while other trees fell all around.
The weary wind gave up and spoke,
"How can you still be standing Oak?"

The Oak Tree said, I know that you
can break each branch of mine in two,
carry every leaf away,
shake my limbs and make me sway.

But I have roots stretched in the earth,
growing stronger since my birth.
You'll never touch them, for you see
they are the deepest part of me.

Until today, I wasn't sure
of just how much I could endure.
But now I've found with thanks to you,
I'm stronger than I ever knew.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Lenten Acts of Goodness....

How Are You Spending 
Your Forty Acts of Goodness! 

“Do all the good you can. In all the ways you can.           
In all the places you can. 
At all the times you can. 
To all the people you can. 
By all the means you can.
As long as ever you can.” 

                                      John Wesley

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Where God Finds Us.....

I believe and feel that is alone is one of my most enduring lessons---that where life presses on you, there you will find God looking for you.  Pressure points!  That's what we do anything in our power to deny, cover up, to release the pain from.  It's a lesson that comes from the crown of thorns.  On Good Friday, when Jesus' scalp was punctured by the razor sharp thorns, there in that pain and blood was the love of the Father for the Son and the love of the Son for the Father.  I owe this insight to Bp. John Coburn from the Diocese of Massachusetts--A life to Live, A Way to Pray.  In his book, the bishop is clear indeed.  Where does life press on you?  That's where God comes looking for you.  And why?  because it is the place where you know and feel in your heart of hearts that you are dependent on another Life that upholds you.  Could it be that Son was upheld int he Father's love on the way to the cross?  The same way we are upheld now! 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

To Laugh is Heaven Sent

"Hell is a place ...
where people no longer laugh."
T.S. Eliot
One of my favorite quotations!
And it is so very true that when we laugh,
                  we let go, we breathe in and then breathe out.
Such is the movement of the Holy Spirit.  We have been created to be vessels of the Holy Spirit and that does not happen when we take everything so seriously that we fill up with our concerns.  The lungs in human spirits fill and cannot breathe.  Laughter gives us a taste of heaven where the Spirit breathes through us without hindrance.

When was the last time you had a good belly laugh that cleared the lungs....
and were you aware of that moment of grace when Holy Spirit filled human spirit? 

Friday, March 13, 2015

The Morning Letter

Tell you the truth...
if I tried to keep score to stay perfect, would even staying in bed keep me on the straight and narrow?
That laziness would be called sloth; the effort to be perfect called pride--on and on left to myself gets me only that far--myself!  A prayer does something more.  It lifts us out of ourselves and into God's hands.  We walk by grace...not by and for ourselves.  We walk and can pray at the same time.  A letter from God would read: 

That's much, much better in my hands!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Reach out your hand and touch...

"When I entered the new devotional chapel....
 a new room off of the main chapel....
I knew what I saw instantly....
and I had to reach out and touch each window." 

 I was caught off guard--totally.  I was touring the new chapel at Virginia Seminary.  The former chapel had burned years ago (2010), a relic from the 1860's.  Of course, that was MY chapel where I went to seminary--it was ingrained in me.

So of course I took a deep breathe to walk into the new chapel. I came to a room set aside as a devotional chapel for small groups.  There in the wall, what should my longing eyes see--but the 3 windows that survived the fire--there they were!  And I gasped.  Then could not help myself but to walk over and run my hands up and down the windows--a part of me, history still living, proof for me that they had really survived.

Now I know why Peter wanted to reach out and touch Jesus.
Was it really a lack of faith?  Perhaps.
Surely it was love. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Way It Is....

 "I am the way, the truth and the life..."
   John 14

 The Way It Is

There’s a thread you follow. It goes among
things that change. But it doesn’t change.
People wonder about what you are pursuing.
You have to explain about the thread.
But it is hard for others to see.
While you hold it you can’t get lost.
Tragedies happen; people get hurt
or die; and you suffer and get old.
Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding.
You don’t ever let go of the thread.

By William Stafford, from The Way It Is, 1998

Have you ever heard something which just clicked for you? the hand in the glove?  And you knew it was written for you?  That's the way I heard the Stafford poem above--put simply, "that's the way the journey is for me."  On the one hand--it is as definite as saying that "Jesus is the way, follow him"  And sometimes as tenuous as hanging on to a slender thread.  When Stafford wrote the above poem, he was relating to the fierce blizzards of the mid-west.  Often, the farmers tied rope to their barns from their homes just to be able to get back and forth to feed their animals.  Notice!  in the poem, the familiar rope for Stafford becomes the "thread."  You have to concentrate, persevere to keep hold of the thread.  For me, it has been deeply moving to know with certainty--we are not tied on to a barn or a house--but it is Jesus who is tied onto us.  That is the "way, the truth and the life" for the Apostle John.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Voice in the Miracle.....

 From inside the car, 
someone said...
"Help me!" 

Trust me....
I avoid the news because it gets toxic.We inhale it and we have to exhale it. But this story will not let me go for many reasons.  How in God's Name did 18 mo old Lily Groesbeck survive in the car that crashed and landed upside down in Utah's Spanish Fork River--with her mother dead and she hanging upside down in her car seat for 14 hours?  Here's what grabbed me.  The CNN report reads as follows: 

A mystery arose from the rescue: The police officers who entered the water say they heard a voice calling for help.
The mother was dead, but the officers said that
 they heard an adult's voice calling to them

"The four of us heard a distinct voice coming from the car," Warner told CNN. "To me, it didn't sound like a child's voice."
The voice gave the rescuers a surge of adrenaline needed to push the vehicle upright, he said.
The mother was dead. The child was unconscious, but her eyelids were fluttering, and the rescuers knew she was alive, Warner said.

It's one of those things that doesn't have an explanation, 
he said about the voice.
"It felt like I could hear someone telling me, 'I need help,'" DeWitt told CNN affiliate KSL. "It was very surreal, something that I felt like I could hear." Tyler Beddoes, a third officer at the scene, said the same.  

"Someone said 'help me' inside that car," he said.

Monday, March 9, 2015

The gift of another day...

This is not just another day
in your life—
It is the one day given to you, today.
It’s given to you,
as a gift.
It is the only gift you have
right now.
The only appropriate response is

If you do nothing else,
then cultivate
that response to this unique gift,
as if today
was the first or last day
in your life.
Then you will have spent this day
very well.

                                Louie Schwartzberg

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Angelina Jolie Rewrite....

True Love Breaks the Curse!  

Okay, first I got hooked into watching this movie. I wanted to see how the traditional Disney plot would be portrayed--no doubt with 21c special effects.  Then, the more I watched, the more I starting rooting for Maleficent!  How could that be?  Wasn't she the traditional "bad guy in stereotype black"--the 1959 images?
But the more I watched, the more I began to realize that Disney made me "dizzy" with its rewrite.  The true loves begins as Aurora endears herself to Maleficent, who Aurora thinks is her fairy Godmother. Jolie is at her best as we see the humanity break through in her emotions.  Her true love of Aurora is greater than her wish for vengeance for King Stefan.  So much so is her love for Aurora, that she attempts to break her curse with another spell...but fails. And how I was taken in when Prince Philip cannot awaken her with a kiss (as in the old version where it works.)  True love is not romantic, but "a mother's true love"--which only Maleficent has and finally gives.  The rest of the movie is hokum special effects and an effort to tie up the plot.  But the lesson is that true love is sacrificial and costly--which we did see in the 1959 version with Prince Philip who must risk his life for Aurora.  Now, Maleficent risks her life by entering the castle to undo the curse (with what even she thought would come from the Prince.)  Finally, true love is shown as it takes the risk to shed itself of its ego and admit it was wrong. 

Lent is the time that we face up to ourselves and the curses that come from our own hands.  It is also the time of realizing God's gift for the way out through Jesus Christ--the source of true love for our lives, that we always have and can always give.Lent is a time to rewrite our stories with that love.  When will we wake from our sleep by claiming the love of God in our lives? 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

True Freedom

What Does True Freedom Mean?

A Tale (Tail?) of Freedom 
 At the End of the Leash
We all know the saying—“At the end of my rope!”  But have you ever heard somebody say, “I am at the end of my leash?”  The other day, I used a 25ft flexi-leash for my dog—never a good idea says Caesar the Dog Whisperer because it gives them a false understanding of who is the pack leader, the boss.  However—I wonder!  I snapped the leash on my dog and within minutes she had wandered off the 25ft extension.  When she hit the end, she looked back at me—and if a dog can possibly register total shock, well….she did!  “How did I get way out here?  How did you get over there?  This is NOT how it is supposed to work.” 
Here’s the point.  Caesar hears dogs tell him that a short 6ft lead lines them up with the master, the pack leader.  They know freedom by being in a relationship—a certain tether.  If they are trained that way, and then they suddenly end up at the end of a 25ft leash—of course, “surprise!” 
 "Whose service is perfect freedom...."

Freedom is being in relationship. Are we “free” by just being able to go where we want and when?  That’s one type of freedom alright.  There is a beautiful prayer which reads “whose service is perfect freedom.”  In service to God, in THAT relationship, we know perfect freedom.  Freedom is not what the song says—just another name for nothing left to loose. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Harrison Ford--almost his last crusade

Nothing Virtual about Life and Living!

Harrison Ford is in life as he almost was in death--he lives on the edge!  He nearly had his last crusade when he came up 200 yds short of the Santa Monica runway and crashed his WW2 (PT22) fighter into the fareway.  An experienced pilot of +22 years, he had doubled back for the airport shortly after take-off when witnesses claimed his engine shut off.  Remarkably, he maneuvered his plan away from homes toward the golf course. Fortunate for Ford, there were 2 doctors right there for first aid....and we wish him a speedy recovery.  I can hear him quip--"just missed a hole in one, huh?"

The irony here is that Ford is known for his dare-devil antics in his movies--or at least his stand-ins are.  What we actually see is the virtual reality with an extra dash of special effects.  Let the lesson be learned for Lent--there is nothing virtual about the way of the cross for Jesus and his death.  Buried in that is the Gospel good news that the gift of eternal life in him is just as real.  There is nothing virtual about life and death or the grace of God for that matter.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Winter is not a Season!

"Winter is not a season. 
              It is an occupation."
                                                                     Sinclair Lewis

Sinclair Lewis does not have to be from Boston to appreciate winter's challenge.  It is an occupation because it requires so much from us--it literally occupies our time!  You cannot even leave the house without wrapping up, forget the driving without the shoveling, and careful steps on ice.

And there is something else it does--changes our vision!  The same landscape takes on new shapes--in fact the world itself changes.  Trees that fill with leaves now have life and limb shaped with snow.  A new vision appears for us of the same world we see in other seasons.  It is as if the soul so invisible within us suddenly appeared before out eyes.  The single flake seen above fills out the fullness of the tree seen below.  Maybe the occupation of winter means more than a different activity but a new vision of what we only see one way, now more visible with new shapes.  And what is Lent but the glimpse of the soul we often take for granted--now the effort made to actually look at it and see it for the eternal gift it is.

In the midst of winter....
I discovered in me an invincible summer.
Albert Camus

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

NFL Pro Benjamin Watson Dies for his Faith

What a wonderful witness to see a pro athlete stand up for something other than himself!  What a relief to finally find a pro who embodies a role model for those of us who are called senior citizens.  I am talking about Benjamin Watson, New Orleans Saints pro, who could write that that faith cannot be faked and discipleship is costly.  Enter Dietrich Bonhoeffer's concept of the The Cost of Discipleship where there is no "cheap grace."  Watson sent out a tweet that has been singing viral in social media.
To the point, he writes:

As I sit here in a 21st century United States, I can't help but wonder when we too will face martyrdom for our faith. 

In his tweet, he traced the development of Christianity from the blood of martyrs, an accurate, painful outline to be sure.  He quotes Jesus from Luke that our confession of his Lordship is our real life; dying with him, we really live.
"And I say to you, everyone who confesses Me before men, the Son of Man will confess him also before the angels of God; but he who denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God." Luke 12:8

My point is that Watson has already died to himself to make this confession.  I know he spoke of physical death.  But something had to get out of the way in him to make this declaration.  Lent is that time when we try to give up whatever blocks us from making that witness.  Is it chocolate?  wine?  Or, a spiritual recognition of one's ego--the need to be at the center of THE story that only God can write.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hide Us Under the Shadow of your Wings!

From the Service of Compline 
(The Book of Common Prayer) 

V.    Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit;
R.    For you have redeemed me, O Lord, O God  of truth.
V.    Keep us, O Lord, as the apple of your eye;
R.    Hide us under the shadow of your wings.

Sky Diver Saved from Seizure in Mid-Air 
What can you possibly say after you awaken from sky diving and you learn that your instructor rescued you when you had a seizure in mid-air from a 9K foot jump?  Gee whiz  thanks?  Or, do you suddenly realize the truth of Compline’s words—“hide us under the shadow of your wings?”  This actually happened in Australia when the instructor saw his student in trouble and dove for him, pulling the man’s shoot. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Winter Sun Rise

I love the Benedictine belief that the deepest part of any human being is the image of God in the soul. Even more, I love the way they respect it and honor it.  The stranger who comes to me awakens the Son in me, they like to say; the Son in me greets the Son in you.  The Christ in us awakens each other.  It is a "Son rise."  In this poem, I am playing with the word "Sun rise" to mean the Son that rises in us....rises above the melancholy, the pall that sometimes shrouds us. 

Winter Questions

Sleet falling, crystals capturing the night,
Clothing trees with ice like iron,
      bent backwards,
                barely breathing,
                        life out of shape,
Like the old man crooked with his cane,
before he ever needed one, from the years
of burden carried, the future that never came.

So the night surrounds the sleeper,
Falling with dreams of weight,
The ice that presses the mind and heart,
     Seizing the spirit,
            Filling the lungs,
                        From breathing in the night,
with sleet that freezes the will to live,
like blankets with cold comfort covering
            the cry--
                      Awake! Let night fly!
                                        -- still comes from the soul.

And resounds in the Sun that rises for the new day.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Bridge to the Land of Living

 I have loved the "swinging bridge" ever since I was a kid.  To cross it meant that I was getting closer to our summer cottage in Maine.  Look at the center of the bridge to see the part that swings open.
It was operated by twin brothers from the Lewis family.  They retired after 40 years service.  What jokestes!  On the radio, they knew certain captains and delighted in saying, "Okay we will open--but what is the magic word?" 

There is a land of the dead and the living.
The bridge to the living is love. 
Thornton Wilder
The Bridge of San Luis Rey

The magic word is saying yes to opening and closing the bridge to connect with others.  Open the bridge from your life--and you close off. Maintain your bridge--that essential connection with others--and lives are enriched and grow.  But keep in mind!  You have the magic word to your bridge.
Only you can open and close it.  There's more than a vacation land at stake!