Saturday, September 21, 2013


Beginning of New Day on Earth from Outer Space
We go through life with sunrises etched in our minds--we know what one looks like even though we may not get up to see it.  But what about the earth -rise?  The first pictures from outer space showed us for the first time the earth rise--the beginning of a new day looking at ourselves, literally standing apart, separated from our island home, earth.  Until it finally rose and we could see the fullness of our planet earth. 

 This is earth, or "mother earth" from which we took our birth. 
Now what do you think? Looking back on our planet, who are we who arose from this place?  Is there the slightest inkling of our vision of ourselves in the cosmos? 

I hear John's Gospel echoing throughout time--that "the Light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not over come it." Behold that Light in space, suspended in the void of death--there is Life! 

We who behold this life of life upheld in space can see that we are made to reflect that light--in the darkness of places and events on this earth, we are made to reflect this Light that rises out of the void and vacuum of space.  Therein is our mission in life, to reflect that life--and in the beginning, God called it good! 

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