Thursday, July 25, 2013

J.K. Rowling and The Cucko's Calling

J.K. Rowling
Well done!  The mystery writer put one over on all of us!  The story is out that best-seller creator of Harry Potter--JKRowling wrote a mystery novel as "Robert Galbraith"--and for a while got away with it.  Eventually, the press unraveled it--but not before the book got rave reviews, yet still remained at the bottom of the reader's list.  Add JK Rowling's name to it and what happens--
"write" to the top, 500,000+ orders for Amazon alone.

Surely it says something about readership not recognizing greatness for itself--even when told it is a great story.  It says something about JK herself, proving to herself that she is a great writer to get those reviews, despite a public that is conditioned to respond automatically to her work.

"I felt liberated!" 

That's wonderful.  She's no longer a mystery to herself.  She now believes in herself or at least what the critics say.  With or without her name--she's a great writer.  What does it take for us to believe in ourselves?  Do we need somebody "out there," some critic's corner to certify us?  Or, do we believe enough in ourselves and who God made us to be -- that we only need "to know ourselves as we are known by God."  (Parker Palmer)

                                                                                                  Excuse me now.  I have a book to order!

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