Sunday, January 19, 2014


Whoever has seen the movie--and enjoyed the songs--imagine it sung out in the musical!  Let me step out farther and say--it is far more than a movie when seen on the stage.  From the moment the curtain opened, the dancers hit the stage--and from that time on, the dance was in me.  I experienced it on the stage of the Kennedy Center--I did not just go to see it--it danced right into my spirit and I was moving wit it.

It has been said that those who experienced Jesus felt his call in the same way--the call was in them, danced in their souls, and they followed after him.  By the way, the word "follow" in Greek means more than to get in line and go after.  It means to imitate, act like him--DANCE!  That was surely the presence of the same Spirit that dances within us. 

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