Friday, September 28, 2012

Laughter is Grace

Laughter is GRACE!  

I caught these gulls sitting on the pier enjoying the morning.  First, one would lift the head and cackle pure laughter.  Then the other would do the same.  On and on the chorus went!  Yes, seagulls do laugh.

And exactly what does that have to do with grace?  When we laugh, out comes the carbon dioxide and in goes the fresh air--our and in--so that when we are done, there is something in us that relaxes, breathes easier, takes life as it is--that's grace!

When we start laughing, we don't think about that side-effect, do we?  None of us says, "I think I will go ahead and laugh so that I can relax.  Take a good breath of grace."  But don't all of us know it when we are done? 

Grace makes us lighter, lifts us up, sets us to fly.  Take a look at the sequence picture below.

Joy in one's heart,
and some laughter 
on one's lips,
is a sign that the person 
down deep,
has a pretty good grasp 
on life.
                  Hugh Sidey
 What soap is to the body, 
laughter is to the soul. 
~Yiddish Proverb 

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