Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston After-Shocks

The Media After-Shock

Earthquakes are followed by after-shocks.  They frighten almost as much as the original quake because they recall and repeat the previous experience and emotions.  I found myself changing channels every time they did yet one more replay of the bombs going off in Boston.  This time I would not make the same mistake to allow the media to sear the image of the planes and the towers.  Nevertheless--the assault was there.  Dare we say co-conspirators for the terrorists as their act and fear was replayed over and over? 

In the book, the Reality Slap, the author tells readers that the first response is self-care.  You get suddenly burned--then take your hand off the burner.  This goes for the media saturation that sears those events into us. 

What we can do is exactly the opposite of what terrorism does--humanize and not retreat by reaching out to others where we live (go give a unit of blood!), open a door for those in need, and by all means pray, pray, PRAY for those on the front line in Boston.  Terrorism degrades humanity in so many ways. It instills anger, hate and revenge.  "Faith, hope and charity--these abide, but the greatest is love."  (I Cor 13)  Go in the direction of LOVE. 

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