Saturday, March 16, 2013

Running Over Ourselves

Watching the Sign Change

I was driving to Nashville and every once in a while--I passed an overhead highway sign which read:  "Number of Traffic Fatalities--104."  Once I entered the city proper, I was on the interstate bypass --  and saw a horrific wreck.  It seemed to involve one car that was crushed.  Driving back that afternoon, the sign was changed to "105."  I don't know if that was from the accident that I saw.  I do know that it is painful indeed to watch that kind of number change--especially after seeing such a terrible wreck.  By the way, I was going to a funeral. 

Now there is no glossing over a physical death.  Who can possibly describe the sense of finality or the void which is empty except of pain?  So nothing I should say should be taken as oversimplifying that anguish.

It occurred to me that the way we spend some days--with our emotions on the fast track--it is little wonder we don't run over ourselves.  Or, maybe in an emotionally sense, we end up being our own fatality, the deadened spirit in the shell of a life.  I do not believe that we have a sign fast enough to keep up with that number. 

Only the driver can set the speed and pace. How many emotional wrecks does it take before we drive our spirits in a healthy way.

The place to begin is with 5 mins each day. 
Look back at the way you have driven. 
Look forward to the road yet traveled.
Then get out of the car and walk--
in other words, slow down and I guarantee you will get more done and survive the day.  

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