Friday, March 6, 2015

Harrison Ford--almost his last crusade

Nothing Virtual about Life and Living!

Harrison Ford is in life as he almost was in death--he lives on the edge!  He nearly had his last crusade when he came up 200 yds short of the Santa Monica runway and crashed his WW2 (PT22) fighter into the fareway.  An experienced pilot of +22 years, he had doubled back for the airport shortly after take-off when witnesses claimed his engine shut off.  Remarkably, he maneuvered his plan away from homes toward the golf course. Fortunate for Ford, there were 2 doctors right there for first aid....and we wish him a speedy recovery.  I can hear him quip--"just missed a hole in one, huh?"

The irony here is that Ford is known for his dare-devil antics in his movies--or at least his stand-ins are.  What we actually see is the virtual reality with an extra dash of special effects.  Let the lesson be learned for Lent--there is nothing virtual about the way of the cross for Jesus and his death.  Buried in that is the Gospel good news that the gift of eternal life in him is just as real.  There is nothing virtual about life and death or the grace of God for that matter.

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