Wednesday, March 25, 2015

On a Wing and a Prayer

My dog walked me this evening, and both of us stopped dead in our tracks as a horned owl bellowed out in the night.  We both stopped, the dog cocked her head to listen, and I stood silently.  Then it came again.  The night broke open.  Though I could not see it, the sound of that presence was unmistakable.  Now, how do I prove to anyone it was really there?  Yet, to me (and the dog!) it was unmistakable.  So, why not? I hooted back and imitated the sound.  The response came quickly and definite.  Now it was not just out there--but we had connected. 

In CS Lewis' book, The Horse and his Boy, from the Chronicles of Narnia--the young boy rides through the mountains on Shasta his horse.  As they walk, he suddenly hears footsteps next to him.  They follow him through the night.  "Who's there," asks the boy. The Voice responds, "One who has waited a long time for you to speak to me!"

Is prayer like that?  God waits for us to respond?  On a wing and a prayer....

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