Monday, December 3, 2012

Like sands through the hour glass

Like Sand through an Hour Glass
So are the Days of our Lives

Remember that popular soap opera?  The writer's job was to twist as many lives up like a pretzel while they frittered away their time carelessly.  In the end--where did they end up?  Of course, ready for the next scene to do it all over again.

What is time really like for us?  There's a person tonight in some hospital who waits for bypass surgery come the morning. The heart will be stopped, the new channel harvested, and blood will flow though it--the measurement of life.  Another person wonders if tomorrow will be the last day on the job.  Count that time!  Students will go to school all over the nation wondering why they are going to school.  Time marches on with or without us.

Maybe we need to reach out, take the hour glass and turn it over every time we engage in life.  One author puts as if we get a new lease on the flow of time:

'Now' is the operative word. Everything you put in your way is just a method of putting off the hour when you could actually be doing your dream. You don't need endless time and perfect conditions. Do it now. Do it today. Do it for twenty minutes and watch your heart start beating.

                                                                                                                    Sam Ewing
American Author and Humorist

The Church across the world calls this period of time "Advent"--meaning "coming."  Imagine instead of an hour glass--a straight line, representing time marching on fast forward.  That stands of our human time--the chronological.  Now bisect it.  What do you have?  In the right proportion, you have a cross.  That "bisection" of the line is often called "kairos," or God's time when God enters our lives.  That's when God seizes us.  That's when time splits open, our pursuit seems never-ending, and the mystery is that our energy and passion only grows, magnifies, and we feel more strangely alive than ever before.  And what is it that we do.  Same thing as Mary said to the Angel Gabriel.  A simple yes that turns our world on end--the hour glass breaks--and we stand with God in God's time.   

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