Friday, December 21, 2012

Time to Play your Part

And Finally...
the Conductor Turns to YOU!

There I was just a few feet from the stage at the Kennedy Center listening to Messiah.  The Conductor, soloists, and orchestra were all in sync.  Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I catch sight of a door opening towards the back of the stage.  Out steps a trumpeter with music in hand.  He made his way to the back corner of the orchestra, set music on the stand, and began getting his trumpet ready.  Then, just in the nick of time after his arrival, the conductor waved his arm and pointed at the trumpeter--and the sounds of the trumpet filled that small space in the chorus, "And the glory of the Lord."  He then methodically gathered up music, trumpet and exited through the same rear door.  Of course, later on he returned and stayed longer!

What struck me is that we all play a part in the Messiah.  In God's work, everyone is called to sound their special unique notes.  Because you live a day in your life, only you can make that contribution which is YOU!

Is Messiah a performance or the drama we are all a part of.  Jesus Christ is born for us--but his mission is called "messianic" and all of us are called to play our parts--to toot our horns the best we can. 

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,

 Shakespeare, As You Like It

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