Saturday, August 24, 2013

Reading the Real Signs

So I hopped on the metro subway, and a young woman sat down next me. A young man sat across the car in the opposing seat--and within seconds, they signing to each other (American Sign Language).  At the same time, a young man in his twenties sat one row back.  I could read his expression.  He looked interested and then amazed at the silent language.  First he looked at one person, and then at the other--back and forth his eyes went as if to try and see the expression and signing from the other person.  I wondered if he was only amazed at the use of the hands going so fast...or at the body language of the signers?  There was more in that body language than in the movement of the hands alone.  An excitment, a joy spoke loudly between them.  Over and over--Jesus railed at those who could judge but not read the signs of the times.  How about the "signs" in each other's faces, the language that is passed from one person to another through the body?  It is said that only 10% of the message is the literal content, some 35% is tone, and the rest is body language.  Do you suppose that those who sign their words actually speak more fully because of the body motion in their hands?  Never mind, I found myself engrossed in the young man watching the signing going on and wondered if he ever paid that much attention to a conversation--let alone any of us. 

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