Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Passing throguh the Culture Zone.

I was walking around WalMart looking for a funnel--that common kitchen tool to pour something from one container into another.  I looked all over--nothing--and then despite being a man, I walked up and asked for help.  The look on the young woman's face was abject fear--I had crossed the culture zone.  She was clueless about what I meant. But you know what?  She did not back out, but hung in there by playing the game of scherades.  Then, she seemed to understand and began leading me to different parts of the store.  Finally I could see where she was going--into hardware where she found this blue funnel.  She lit up--"Funnel!"  Yes, slightly larger than what I was looking for--plastic and not metal--but hey, good job!  I did my best to smile, give it the thumbs up and act pleased.  I bought this funnel.  It will always remind me of the young woman who braved the culture zone and did not use it as an excuse to shrug her shoulders and walk off. 

Exactly how many languages do we speak?  Can we read body language and act it out?  Do we have the courage to enter the culture zone with others and at least try?  Sometimes we ourselves have to pass through a funnel to move between people.  How about the eye of the needle that Jesus said it was easier to pass through than a rich man to enter the Kingdom?  Holding onto everything--especially the pride of our own cultures--are we willing to let go and pass through the eye of a needle?  Yes, I shall always smile when I use this oversized plastic blue funnel meant for a gas can! 

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