Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Farewell to Harold Ramis

How terribly sad to hear the news that Harold Ramis died, aka Egon amongst so many wonderful actors let alone the scripts that he gave us.  For me, it will always be Egon in Ghostbusters--the brain-child of the bunch who seemed to be the only one who really understood their far-out technology.  When all is said and done--and we look back at what we have done with our lives, I think the question is--have we enriched the lives of others, or dare to say that we have loved?  Harold Ramis made us laugh and with a sometimes serious character, we were able to let go and take ourselves a little more lightly.

There is a part of Jesus in all of that--how he enabled people who came in contact with him to take the opinions of others and made them righteous less seriously than the love of God given so freely.  And there was no acting in a life that lived to show us God's love and to give it away. 

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