Saturday, February 1, 2014

Walking through Fear.....and Beyond

Is it true that we would always rather take the long way around than risk the bridge that seems so fearful to us...that is even more fearful because it leads to an unknown place?  For Jesus, the known factor was God, his Father.  He learned despite circumstances to hold on to him--and God the Father was his way across and the blessing of transforming fear. 

One of my favorite poets is William E. Stafford, and he captures the gift of fear that leads to the blessing. 

For My Young Friends Who Are Afraid

There is a country to cross you will
find in the corner of your eye, in
the quick slip of your foot--air far
down, a snap that might have caught.
And maybe for you, for me, a high, passing
voice that finds its way by being
afraid. That country is there, for us,
carried as it is crossed. What you fear
will not go away: it will take you into
yourself and bless you and keep you.
That's the world, and we all live there.
William Stafford

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