Saturday, November 24, 2012

Beware the THINGS!

Beware the THINGS! 

Remember in the Cat in Hat what happens when Thing 1 and Thing 2 get loose?  They treat everything as "things"--without respect--and the home, a place of personal abode, is ransacked.  So beware the season which starts with Thanksgiving and turns us into "things" -- instead of people--we are out there buying stuff and looks what happens to us--does anyone come home renewed?

Now, there is another way to find the reason for the season--and it is not some religious motto.  It keeps us as people and not things.  And the only way I know to do that is to use the season for one purpose only-- CONNECTION WITH OTHER PEOPLE.  I love this image--it says connection to me. It does not matter what gender the hands, if they are praying or just sharing, or being friends--the point is that "connection" is what people are made for. So, how can you use this time of year to connect with people? 
Find ways to connect--don't let the Christmas rush cut you off from people.  Make a list of people you need to re-connect with--and then go ahead take the step.  When we reach out and connect with other people, the gift we find is a connection within ourselves. 

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